Familie Hopfeld Hotel Dreikönigshof Hotelzimmer
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Feedback from guests

All ratings and reviws of the Dreikönigshof

Here you can read all the guest feedbacks, reviews and experiences of our guests at DREIKÖNIGSHOF.
  • Read about TrustYou's score on Tripadvisor, Holidaycheck, Facebook, HRS and Booking.com.
  • Read the Fallstaff review about our excellent restaurant and why we could collect so many points.
  • We are also certified "Top-Wirt". This is an award of our restaurant because of the traditional dishes, which represent the best of the Lower Austrian host culture.


Trust You Score

TrustYou collects and analyzes over 3 million guest reviews, questionnaires and social media posts on Tripadvisor, Holidaycheck and the whole network. This will give you the best overview of what the other guests say about our hotel.


With a total circulation of around 150,000 items, the Falstaff magazine is the largest wine and gourmet magazine in the entire German-speaking world. We are very proud of our good rating!

Top Quality Restaurant 2020

If you want to carry the top-class seal of quality in the Lower Austrian host culture, you have to face a strict, anonymous test. Food and beverages are valued as well as regional and seasonal cuisine. But also on friendliness and competence in service and wine advice is given importance.

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